Become a Member

Are you interested in becoming a member here at Forks?

To become a member, you may come forward at any of our services during the invitation, or, if you are not comfortable with that, you may obtain one of our membership cards from the church office to fill out and hand in privately.

You do not need to meet with Pastor Todd to become a member, but people often like to do that before they come forward. If you would like a meeting with Todd, please contact the church office (, (859) 873-1967).

We believe in full immersion baptism, unless you are prohibited physically. If you have been baptized before, you do not need to be baptized again at Forks, unless that is something you would like to do. To schedule a baptism, please contact the church office.

If you have more questions about membership at Forks, please contact the church office and/or look below to an excerpt from our Constitution & Bylaws concerning membership.

The membership of this church shall consist of persons:

  1. Who have made a profession of their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord
  2. Who desire to be numbered among His disciples
  3. Who have experienced the New Testament Baptism
  4. Who are in agreement with the faith and practices of this church

Admission of Members:

Membership in this church may be attained through one of the following:

  1. By the ordinance of baptism after profession of faith (By total immersion unless there is a physical restriction).
  2. By letter from any Baptist church.
  3. By restoration to the rolls after having been dropped or after exclusion.
  4. By statement of Christian experience in a Church of like faith and order, wherein records are not available to permit the securing of a letter.
  5. Persons from other denominations may be received by statement of their profession of faith and baptism under the following conditions:
    1. That they have made a profession of faith.
    2. That they were baptized by total immersion.
    3. That they understand and are in essential agreement with the Baptist beliefs.
    4. That they have been questioned and instructed concerning the above conditions to the satisfaction of the pastor and/or deacons before presentation to the church for membership.

If you have questions about membership or would like to schedule a meeting with Todd, please contact us.

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